Shadows in the mist

Shadows in the mist


      In role playing games a common method of arbitrating the capabilitites of different game characters is to assign each one to a character class. A character class aggregates several abilities and aptitudes and may also sometimes detail aspects of background and social standing or impose behaviour restrictions. Classes may be considered to represent archetypes or specific careers.

  • Ranger  

Brave amd expert marksmen, use the concealing forests to their advantage. These archers are able to shadomeld at night and make lightning quick ambushes. Goddess Ehlona smile gives the archer power and precision. They are agile long range fighters that can masterfully handle bow and arrow,set traps,command pets, adapt to any situation. Thanks to their keen eye,steady hand and the power of nature itself they always keep cool headed. But even in close combat they shouldnt be underestimated as they can skilfully evade enemy attacks.  In other words they treasure the silence and the vastness of the wildrness where their tracking and sniping skills turn them into dangerous hunters.

Weapon : 1H-sword,,dagger,bow,crossbow
Armor : cloth,leather

  • Rogue

Rogue feel most at home in the winding back alleys of bustling cities. Full of people   and their poorly guarded purses. When backed into a corner,a convenietly concealed dagger is a rogues best friend. Nimble,quick-sighted and dangerous, rogue use darkness to ambush their opponents. Rogue practice an agile,acrobatic fighting style which can make him hard to hit but attack their enemy by surprise and return to the shadows.

Weapon : 1H-sword,dagger,bow,crossbow
Armor : cloth,leather

  • Knight

Feeling guardians and devoted fighters who protect their allies and smite their enemies by drawing from the power of their virtues. Focused on defending the weak and pushing the wicked characterized as righteous shield. Their faith grants them virtue the ability to call down the will of gods for aid. Impressive fighters but also use divine spells to bolster themselves and their allies.

Weapon : 1H-sword,2H-sword,mace,hammer
Armor : cloth,leather,chain,plate,shield.

  • Priest

Venture out on behalf of their deity to heal the faithful and spread the glory of their religion.Protect their companios from danger in a noble and gracious manner, being are always their last hope. Also have the capability to use destructive magic with which are able to put up a fight and inflict large amounts of damage. For this reason are considered to be guardian angels and messengers of death. Using their abilities and spells they are able to strengthen,heal and revive their companions.

Weapons : rod,wand,2H-staff,mace
Armor : cloth, robe,leather,light,shield

  • Mage

Masters of magic and rulers of the elements. Seeking supreme understanding of the elements they are occasionally drawn to remote corners of the world in the hope of recovering long forgotten knowledge of the arcane. Overwhelmed by channelling elemental forces have the gift to rule elements making fire,air,earth and water do their bidding.

Weapons : dagger,wand,2H-staff
Armor : cloth, robe

  • Druid

Commanders of nature's might.

Weapons : rod,wand,2H-staff,mace
Armor : cloth, robe

  • Warrior

Dominating the battlefield warriors meet every challenge with courage and loyal blade. Capable melee combatant warrior feel most comfortable in the thick of things be it in battle or at the tavern. Master of weaponry who rely on speed,stregnth toughness and heavy armor to survive in battle. Andrenaline fuels it's offensive power. With feared attacks they take down enemies with violent close combat attacks.

Weapons : 1H-sword,2H-sword,2H-hammer,2H-axes,dagger,mace
Armor : cloth, robe,leather,chain,shield

  • Warlock

Practitioners,exploiters of the dark arts, summon dead wield power of lost souls and literally suk the life force from the enemy. Feed on life force which can use to bring  allies back from the brink or cheat death itself. Psychic powers and dark elemental attacks from afar are their specialties. With enough channelled energy they can invoke powerful cursesm crippling foes and bolstering allies.

Weapons : 1H-sword,dagger,wand,2H-staff
Armor : cloth, robe

  •  Dread Knight

Using fear and pain to devastating effect on battlefield. Through their dark arts they able to maim theur foes and augment their own combat prowess.

Weapons : 1H-sword,2H-sword,2H-hammer,2H-axes,dagger,mace
Armor : cloth, leather,chain,plate,shield

  • Warden

Serve as protectors of the natural world. In time of peace they ensure that all abide by the tenets that preserve the forests.

Weapons : 1H-sword,2H-sword,1H-axe,2H-axes,dagger
Armor : cloth, robe,leather,chain

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