Shadows in the mist

Shadows in the mist



      There is a vast world to explore and prevail and wont be achieved without challenges. First though they have to overcome themselves, to dominate in their lands before going any further. The sun rise and the new day reveals high expectations...

  • Thal' Ardenai (homeland of Wood Elves)
  1. Everglade forest
  2. Blackhorn woods
  3. Greenmist woods
  4. Silverspring forest
  5. Feymoon forest
  6. Forsaken forest

  • Tellerian wood elf village

  • Dun' Agoth (homeland of Dark Elves)
  1. Bloodthorn Forest
  2. Enchanted Forest
  3. Swamplands

  • Shadowlands

  • Kingstorm (homeland of Humans)
  1. Kingstorm City
  2. Riverwood village
  3. Redcliff village
  4. Coldhorn village
  5. Dawnville village
  6. Winterdale village

  • Kingstorm City

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